Some Things are Bigger Than Football!

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!!

As Zippy Cimino says “Some things are bigger than football!”

Our family has and ALWAYS will be grateful to OBJ for all he did for our family during the most challenging of times. We will be rooting for him no matter the team name on his jersey and especially today!!

Supporting Our Fellow Foundations!

The Cimino boys supported the “Nicholas Wihlborg Foundation” by sponsoring a hole and playing in their annual golf outing. Nicholas Wihlborg Foundation is another foundation dedicated to supporting children and their families affected by childhood cancer. This is near and dear to our heart as Nicholas was another patient treated by The Valerie Center. We are passionate about supporting other families who take cancer and turn it in to the amazing cause of helping other families fighting the same fight. It is truly something.


Zippy gets Covid-19 Vaccine!!!

COVID has impacted so many people, especially those who mourn the loss of family members and we send our deepest sympathies and love to all of those families. Those of us who have family members with pre-existing conditions can feel a little bit of relief now that the vaccine is here.

Just in time for his 9 year anniversary, Zippy got his first dose on 2/25. Feb 28th marks 9 years. It’s a day we don’t love to think about, but one that reminds us our health is so fragile and we should live each and every day to it’s fullest. We are so proud of how Zippy continues to do that every day.

To all those fighting cancer through this pandemic, we know your battle and are thinking of you every day.


Happy 5 Years Cancer Free!

Today is a big day. Today Zippy Cimino is 5 years cancer free 💚💜 we may have celebrated from afar via FaceTime, but no doubt this day will forever be worth celebrating.

We hope each of our patients and their families can remember this picture and this smile on their darkest days. The fight isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. We’re rooting for you!!

Among the uncertainty in our world today, we are reminded yet again how very important our health is and always will be. Love and prayers being sent to everyone.


Celebrating the New Valerie Center!

The Zippyfund got to celebrate and be a part of the brand new Valerie Center this week! Target completion is May 2020! A special night and as Zippy Cimino says “It’s my favorite place that I hate coming back to.”
